
Ken Blanchard and his co-authors are considered some of the best-selling business leadership authors of our time. Worldwide, their books have combined sales of more than nineteen million copies in twenty-seven languages.


Unleashing the power of vision in your company to effectively guide your people’s daily actions requires focus on three main elements: significant purpose, clear values, and a picture of the future. More

Books: Full Steam Ahead!®    Managing by Values    Aligned Thinking



Business leaders are finally realizing that the only thing your competition can’t steal from you is the relationship your people have with your customers. People want to do business with companies whose people care about them.  More

Books: Raving Fans®    Customer Mania!®    The Simple Truths of Service



Roughly 70% of change efforts fail or are derailed. Failure of an organizational change can lead to destructive outcomes, such as low productivity and morale, unmet expectations, wasted time and money, and increased employee turnover. More

Books: Who Killed Change?    Who Moved My Cheese?



Teams have become a strategic vehicle for getting work accomplished in organizations, and for moving organizations into the future. Teams are the hard-core units of production. And they also provide a sense of worth, connection, and meaning to the people involved with them. More

Books: The One Minute Manager Builds High Peforming Teams    High Five!



No matter who you are—a corporate executive, a trainer or manager, a community leader, a parent, a teacher, a student—you are on a personal leadership journey. More

Books: Great Leaders Grow   Lead with LUV    Leading at a Higher Level    The Leader Within    Leadership and the One Minute Manager    The Secret    The Heart of a Leader    Zap the Gaps!



For more than 25 years, millions of managers in Global 1000 companies and small businesses have followed The One Minute Manager’s techniques, thus increasing their productivity, job satisfaction, and personal prosperity.  More

Books: The One Minute Manager®    Putting the One Minute Manager to Work
The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey   The One Minute Entrepreneur
The One Minute Manager Balances Life and Work   The One Minute Golfer



Managers need to develop their people, to bring out the potential in them. Coaching can be a productive way for managers to engage with direct reports to reveal development paths and action plans for maximizing the potential inherent to the individual. More

Books: Everyone’s a Coach    Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest    The Little Book of Coaching    Formula 2+2



Ethics, Values, and Integrity define how you live your leadership journey. They are the essence of who you are and lay the foundation for the legacy you create. More

Books: The Power of Ethical Management    The Leadership Pill®



Experts agree that trust is the critical ingredient in effective relationships, yet many people are not aware of how their actions infuence trust or what they can do to be trustworthy.More

Books: TrustWorks!    Whale Done!®    Whale Done Parenting
Whale Done, My Wonderful One!    Helping People Win at Work



It’s no secret that time is money, right? From email and meeting overload, to assessing how you spend your time, to dealing with a bad procrastination habit, these books help you use your time more wisely and purposefully.  More

Books: The On-Time, On-Target Manager    The Hamster Revolution
The Hamster Revolution for Meetings    The Referral of a Lifetime



People who want to be great leaders must embrace an attitude of service to others. Poor leadership results not from conscious malice, but from inadequate leadership knowledge, values, and behaviors. More

Books: The Servant Leader    Leadership by the Book   The Serving Leader    The Generosity Factor



Releasing employees’ full potential and instilling a responsibilty-oriented culture still remains the best way to compete in a “do more with less” business climate. If you want to seriously unleash the people power of your organization, empowerment is a must. More

Books: Gung Ho!®   Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute
The 3 Keys to Empowerment    Go Team!  Big Bucks!
#Corporate Culture Tweet   #Positivity at Work Tweet   #Managing Your Virtual Boss Tweet



Imagine an organization full of self-leaders. Individuals who are accountable for their performance and development. Individuals who are well-attuned to the needs of the organization, and whose contributions enhance the overall performance of the company. More

Books: Self Leadership and The One Minute Manager®
What Makes You Tick & What Ticks You Off



Conquer the “Knowing-Doing Gap”! It’s the gap between what people know—all the good advice they’ve digested intellectually from books and seminars—and what they actually do.  More

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